--|   Controls   |--

Left Paddle

Bottom Paddle

Y = Move up arrow left = Move left
H = Move downarrow right = Move right
Y + H = Controlled bouncearrow left + arrow right = Controlled bounce
J = Fire shock bolt rightarrow up = Fire shock bolt up

--|   About the Game   |--

All the fun of Breakout and Pong, smashed together into one game.  Race to 21 points to win. You earn points by breaking bricks or scoring goals, with smaller goals being worth more points.

Defend your goals, and beware of the bounce.

Defending GoalBeware of the Bounce

You can control the bounce from your paddle to help you aim for the bricks and goals. Controlled Bounce works by influencing the direction of the ball, the further from the centre of the paddle the greater the angle of the bounce.

Controlled Bounce to break brickControlled Bounce to score a goal

Collect PowerUps and your paddle will store a Shock Bolt for everyone you gain.

Collecting PowerUpPaddle charged and ready to fire Shock Bolt

Shock your opponent to disable their paddle for a short time.

Shocking OpponentFiring all stored Shock Bolts

Shock the ball and try to score.

Shocking the ball into the goalAccelerating the ball towards goal

Customise the colours and enjoy the game.

Change Colours in Settings Pop UpGame countdown
Gameplay loop 1Gameplay loop 2

Authorpimp games
Made withGodot, GIMP, LMMS
TagsBreakout, mashup, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few minutes

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